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Navigating our available resources
Sakhi Stories And Sikh Tradition

We have collected and created a wide range of resources that support LGBTQIA+ Sikhs, in general, and resources that may be helpful in preparation for interviews. By bringing these resources together in one place, we also hope this website and archive can be a digital resource for all.

While most resources are written pieces (news articles or opinion pieces), we also include other types of resources that the research team has made. These include the Begumpura Collective Zine (Vol 1), interview resources, queer and trans archives to explore, and how to create your own community-based archival project. As part of the interview resources, we provide information that could be helpful for both the interviewer and the narrator, such as Trauma-Informed Care for oral histories.

Throughout these resources, the pieces may suggest additional organizations and platforms that may be helpful for you (even though we cannot endorse or verify all these outlets). If you have found a resources helpful in your own life, please share it with us through email ( and we can consider adding it to this page!

If you are interested in creating your own oral history archive for your community, please email us.

Our newsletter

Our team will be sending our periodic emails to update community members on the project’s progress and ongoing initiatives. Enter your email address and name below to join our mailing list!

Sponsorship Opportunities

We are looking for sponsors to support our community. For details and a customized benefits package, please contact us at (800) 111 – 123 – 4567 or 773-584-6669.

Sikh LGBTQIA+ Oral History Project © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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