Our Team
The Archival team is made up of five individuals who work together to interview individuals, manage this website, and build communal resources based on the completed interviews. Learn more about the team and their backgrounds below.
If you have questions about Archive or about the team, feel free to reach out to the project team through the contact page or email dr. kehal directly (kehal@wisc.edu).
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Team Members
Prabhdeep is a writer, sociologist, and educator. Their work investigates how racism, cisheterosexism, and colonialism are experienced in cultural organizations. In their research program, they ask what constitutes anti-racist, anti-colonial, and anti-casteist practices of inclusion. In a book project, they explore how cultural change and demographic inclusion unfold in debates of faculty hireability in the elite U.S. academy. Through a second project, they conduct oral histories with LGBTQIA+ Sikhs to explore how Sikhs feel included in sangat and nation as they navigate experiences of cisheterosexism and settler colonialism through Sikhi. They are a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and received their PhD in sociology from Brown University.
prabhdeep singh kehal, PhD (they)
Karmine Kaur (she, they)
Karmine Kaur is a research assistant and consultant. They hold a Master of Public Policy and a B.A. in Global Studies – Global Public Health. Their past research projects in these programs have included studying how social stigmas around sex have impacted South Asians’ health outcomes and addressing sexual assault survivors’ trauma in Virginia colleges. Their academic interests currently include Sikh studies, Punjabi studies, and gender & sexuality studies, with particular attention to how casteism, racism, misogyny, and queerphobia materialize in the South Asian diaspora. Outside of work, they are also a foodie, dog lover, and reader.
Manmit Singh, also known as sahiba, is a Sikh scholar-activist. Their investments are in their Guru Sahib’s directive to be a sant sipahi, translating to “saint-soldier” or “sage-warrior.” They aspire to be an ethical and grounded sant-sipahi committed to both spiritual and political liberation.
manmit singh (they)
Sukhmony Brar (she)
Sukhmony Brar is an agroecologist and artist based in Fresno, California. She’s passionate about biodiversity across the landscape, community histories, LGBTQIA+ and racial justice, and cultivating community through art and the outdoors. With the LGBTQIA+ Sikh Archive, Sukhmony hopes to foster a safe, inspiring space for queer and trans Sikhs to fully express themselves and find community through shared struggles of visibility.
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